

Friday, April 29, 2016

What Tuesday Inspired You the Most? - Tuesday's with Morrie

Tuesday's with Morrie
Author: Mitch Albom
Pages: 0-139
Prompt: Based on the 6 Tuesdays you have read about in Tuesdays with Morrie, choose which topic (The World, Feeling Sorry For Yourself, Regrets, Death, Family, or Emotions) that has had the most impact on you or inspired you.

         All the Tuesdays in this book has inspired me in little ways, but the one that has inspired me the most was the sixth Tuesday which was about emotions. This chapter was the most inspiring because Morrie explained how to deal with the emotions and to move past them. It was also was really inspiring because humans deal with emotion all the time, so it's something that can affect your life greatly.

          One reason why the sixth Tuesday inspired me is because it has showed me how to handle my emotions. In the book Morrie says, "But by throwing yourself into these emotions, by allowing yourself to dive in, all the way, over your head even, you experience them fully and completely" (104). This showed me that if accept my emotions then I could actually experience them completely and in a good way. This also showed me to not hide my emotions, but accept them. Morrie said you had to "wash yourself with emotion" (105).

          Morrie also talked about detaching from your emotions. Morrie explained, "... detachment doesn't mean you don't let the experience penetrate you. On the contrary, you let it penetrate you fully. That's how you are able to leave it" (103). This is similar to handling your emotions, but this way you are able to leave those emotions instead of accepting them. Morrie said, "When you learn to die, you learn to live" (104). I think this has some connection to the emotions because you feel fear, sadness, loneliness, etc. when dying. This especially occurs when you have something like ALS which hinder breathing and mobility.

Friday, April 8, 2016

3rd Quarter Reflection

Prompts: 1) In what area do you think you made your biggest improvements in English Language Arts? 2) What is something you have accomplished this quarter that you are proud of? 3) What has been the most challenging part of 3rd Quarter for you and what did/can you do to help overcome this?

          In the 3rd quarter I think I made many improvements in school. In ELA my biggest improvement is researching a topic and gathering reliable data. In my class we chose a topic to research and had to develop a argument for a side on that topic. This project helped me a lot because I was finding a lot of the same information, which forced memtomfind new sources. Before this project I would only use the bare minimum amount of sources, but now I use a lot more. It also helped that in another class we also had to do a research project for the whole quarter, so I got more practice there.

          Something that I'm proud of that I did this quarter is my butterfly project. I had to make a butterfly that respresented a holocuast peom we where given and I'm proud about how my butterfly turned out. I really liked doing the project and I spent a lot of time on it. I feel like I did a good job on it and I had good reasons for the little things I added.

          The most challeging part of the quarter for me was organizing my papers. This quarter it seemed like I got a lot of papers for ELA. These papers started to pile up with the old ones and I started to lose track of them. This caused be to lose papers, leave them at home, or not be able to find them in my folder. Some of the papers where important other weren't important and some where needed for homework. To prevent this from happening in the 4th quarter I'm going to clear out my folder of unnecessary papers and packets.