

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Global Collaboration Reflection 2/20/15

Global Collaboration Reflection

        My level of global awareness before 7th grade wasn't high. Before my class got our Swedish and Indian pen pals, I learned about different countries through the articles of the the week, the news, and the radio. From all those I mainly heard about the negative things that are happening in those countries. With seeing the videos I noticed that at our Swedish pen pals school they wear socks and not shoes in their school. Also, that in India they have a tag like sport called Kho Kho.

        My perspective changed a lot about other cultures from the collaborations. I thought their schools would be really different, but there isn't that many differences. In Sweden they don't have to wear uniforms and they have two playgrounds and have two break periods/ recess. We have to wear uniforms and we don't a recess/ a break period. There are similarities with our pen pals, too. For instance, in India they do have to wear a uniform like us. 

        The interesting and shocking thing I saw was that in Sweden they don't wear shoes, but they wear socks. It sounds really weird to me because we wear shoes in our school, but it probably isn't weird to them. I wonder if they don't wear shoes in every school in Sweden or is it just their school? I also wonder if they have to wear socks or if it's their choice?

I commented on John Z.Jared A., and Jeremiah T.'s blog.

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