

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Article of the Week 2/26/15


The article, “Gaming makes kids physically fit? New research says yes. Maybe.” By Newsela Staff discusses how video games are good and not bad for you. The article states that video games help with social skills, health, and violence control. In fact, people playing as a bad guy in shooter games felt guilty. Although, video games aren’t as effective with these things compared to other activities. 

         The author’s purpose is to inform the reader. The author wants to inform the reader that video games are good for your body and mind. While reading the reader can learn, “Noah began to play ‘Minecraft’ and other games for hours at a time…Noah, who has Asperger’s syndrome, a disability that affects social skills, started becoming more open to the world.” Showing that video games can help with disorders. Also, the reader can learn first-person games help with vision and attention span.

         I think this is important for the world to hear because this can clear up many misconceptions about video games and health. Parents think that gaming could be very unhealthy and bad for the brain, but surprisingly gaming is way more healthy than unhealthy for you. For instance, people think gaming leads to obesity and an unhealthy lifestyle. This is false and actually more time playing video games is healthier than playing less.

Denotation: In or relating to the foremost part of the frontal lobe of the brain
Connotation: Neutral

1 comment:

  1. Excellent objective summary! Where is your picture and comments?
